Download Parler on Android via APK on Samsung, Pixel and OnePlus

Download parler on Android

Parler is a famous social media app known chiefly in the US. It is an app used mainly by people who believe in freedom of expression. The app is renowned among supporters of the 45th President of the United States of America. A vast number of users are from the right-wing and conservatives. However, the app was removed from the Google Play Store and other APK repositories. Using this guide, you can download Parler on Android Phone and Install it on your device, whether it is Samsung, Google Pixel, Xiaomi, Nokia, Motorola, Huawei, or OnePlus. Basically, it works with all Android devices.

Parler is known as a free speech social network, where one can debate without bias. Once you have an account, you can share news, information, or your views. You can also communicate with others on the network using private messaging.

Download Parler on Android Phone:

Parler is a relatively new social media network in the market. The rules of privacy and community standards are pretty lenient as compared to Facebook and Twitter. One can share their point of view no matter how offensive they might be to others. One can share conspiracy theories they believe in with their followers and friends without any app notice. Although, the app is no longer available on the Google Play Store. Yet you can install it on your Android device using the Parler APK below.

Update 16 February 2021: Parler is back up and running. Use the APK below to install it on your Android phone.

    • Download Parler APK. (Latest version 2.6.10)

You can download the APK file from above on your Android phone. While downloading, you might come across a note that this might be potentially unsafe for your phone. It’s because you are not downloading it from the Google Play Store. APK files are what the play store downloads on your phone to install new apps. If you have to manually download and install any app that is not present on the Google play store, you have to use an APK file.

Once you have downloaded the APK file from above on your Samsung, Huawei, OnePlus, Pixel, or any other Android phone, you can install it by following the steps below:

  1. First of all, you need to go to Settings -> Security -> Enable download from Unknown Sources.
  2. In some Android phones, like Google Pixel, you don’t have the above option. Instead, you can directly install the APK file once you have downloaded it on your phone.
  3. Once you have enabled this option, locate the downloaded file and install it on your Android phone.
  4. After the installation process, you can either log in using your phone or signup to make a new account.

Download parler on Android Samsung Huawei Pixel

Disclaimer: We are not in any way affiliated with Parler or any Government or Political institution. We are a fan site working for freedom of speech and accessibility of technology and services to everyone without discrimination.

Suppose you have any issues regarding the guide above on downloading Parler on an Android device, whether it is an Android device from Samsung, Pixel, OnePlus, Xiaomi, or Huawei. Then, feel free to write to us in the comments below.

Balochistan |Uz garzam lewanay | Deutschland | Software Engineer | For questions, contact me.


  1. I downloaded it and it comes up ok, but I get the “Unauthorized” error after entering the CAPTCHA. I can log on ok on my Mac, but only using Safari – Chrome won’t work for me, which is suspicious since it’s from the same Google that is censoring it from its store.
    I guess we will need to bid our time until they get enough band width by adding servers.

    • Yeah I think its either the servers issues or its the Google Services not supporting the app anymore. Most likely its the Server issues. As its working fine on my laptop.

      • Hi,
        We have uploaded the latest version of parler released on 25 December.
        It is working on all smartphones.
        Try again by downloading and installing the new APK

    • The link shared by ayybee to v2.6.9 resolved my Unauthorized issue. Uninstall any previous version before installing 2.6.9.

  2. Hey I have Parler app installed on my Samsung phone. Works OK except I don’t get hyperlinks to the news stories, etc. When using the desktop web version everything works as expected. WHy no hyperlinks to OANN stories e.g.? Please help

  3. Samsung Galaxy 8+: downloaded API, run the install, answer the question “Do you want to install this application?” So I click on “install” and I get the warning triangle with the message “App not installed”. The only option on this screen is to click on “Done” and then I’m right back where I started. Is Google able to reach into my personal phone and block it?

    • Hi,
      I think you do not have enough space on your phone to install it.
      Write to us using the email in Contact Us page. We will help you.

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