Most of our lives now revolve around apps. We use email apps for work, social networking apps to keep up with our friends, messaging apps to communicate with friends and family, and delivery apps to purchase food. However, the best feature of any app is how it can streamline our lives by simplifying everything. Here are a few apps that we con that will simplify your life:


If people aren’t using the default note app on their phone, they probably use Evernote. A crowd favorite, this app offers a cloud-based space for pretty much every note you want to keep track of. So this app can store everything, whether it’s a grocery list, a draft for your presentation, or meeting minutes. On top of all of that, you can also use it to back up important documents, save entire web pages, record audio, and embed photos and videos.

Evernote is accessible for Android and iOS.


If you’re meticulous about your to-do lists and want them more organized and streamlined, Todoist is your best bet. It lets you set up new tasks, establish deadlines, assign priorities, and link together a group of similar tasks. Once you’ve completed an item, you can tick it off quickly, just as you would strike out a task on paper, giving you a sense of accomplishment. And while it’s mostly free, the premium version features valuable tools, like setting reminders, commenting on tasks, and automatic backups.

Todoist is accessible for Android and iOS, and the premium version starts at $3 per month.

Dissertation Team:

Technology is there to help us in every phase and task of our life. So why not make the best use of it in studies as well? Considering the workload and work-to-study ratio. One has to make the most of their time. If you are writing your thesis or doing any research, the dissertation writing service can significantly help you.


Cybersecurity experts always remind us that we must set complicated passwords for different accounts, but memorizing each can prove challenging. LastPass uses AES-256 bit encryption with PBKDF2 SHA-256 and salted hashes to safeguard your passwords and other sensitive data like credit card details and delivery addresses, so you don’t have to keep keying them each time you log into a website or shop online. It can also craft unique combinations if you’re not too creative with making passwords. Plus, it also supports multi-factor authentications, protecting you from phishing attempts targeted at you.

LastPass is free for Android and iOS, and the premium version starts at $3 per month.

Petal Card

If you’re just starting to build credit or are already juggling several financial commitments in your life, this app will help simplify your finances. The Petal Card app doesn’t just help you track your credit score. It also lets you plan your budget to see how much you’re spending accurately. Another helpful feature is that it alerts you to unnecessary subscriptions allowing you to know what you don’t use in order to save money. With this app, you’ll be able to simplify your finances in one place.

Petal Card is free for Android and iOS.


We all need a break from the daily hustle and bustle of life. If you want to take a breather from it all, Good Housekeeping notes that Headspace has got you covered. It offers guided meditation sessions with varying lengths and purposes, allowing you to meditate in the middle of the day or set aside a particular time to clear your head. And while it’s primarily a meditation app, it’s also great for sleep. It has a free version that delivers “sleep casts,” 45 to 55-minute audio experiences that help you visualize calming experiences. In addition, the library is updated every night, so you never run out of stories to listen to.

Headspace is free for Android and iOS, and the premium version starts at $12.99 monthly.


Not everyone has the time to spend an hour or two at the gym. Luckily, Seven is here to help you squeeze a quick workout into your busy schedule. All you need is 7 minutes a day for seven months, with a tracker screen to keep tabs on your progress. When you stick with the program, you earn achievements as you unlock new activities. Best of all, it delivers tailor-made workouts targeting your goal areas to ensure you get the most out of your training.

Seven is free for Android and iOS.

These are a few apps that we think will help you in your day-to-day routine and help you to simplify your life. If you can suggest other apps that you believe belong to this list, drop a comment below. Your suggestions and recommendations are highly appreciated.

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