7 Features Present in Galaxy S8

Samsung just released its latest flagship Galaxy S24 and S24+. In terms of display, design, and looks, both smartphones are works of art.

Although we are comparing a phone that is eight months younger than the latest iPhone, if you care more about hardware over software, then the Galaxy S24 is far better as compared to the iPhone 15. Its display and overall design are years ahead. However, if software is your focus, then you should opt for the iPhone 15.

7 Features Present in Galaxy S24 but Absent in iPhone 15:

Android vs iOS is said to be the biggest rivalry of the past decade. Both operating systems have a considerable number of users worldwide. In the smartphone market, every other company has to compete for the third position as the first two are reserved for a decade. Users of Android and iOS are both pretty content with their smartphones. However, there is a massive number of users who shift between Android and iOS. When they move, most people love the new experience, but there are those who find the shift hard. My first smartphone was iOS-based; I was thrilled with the operating system and phone. But then I had to move to Android, as I started Android application development as a profession. Moving to Android has its pros and cons. I loved the freedom and customization capability, but at times, It used to stick with me that my iPhone used to perform this specific function in a better fashion.

Now, let’s move on to the features that make the Galaxy S24 different and innovative compared to the iPhone. These are the features that the Galaxy S24 can do, but the iPhone can’t.

Bigger and Better Screen:

The S8 has a Quad HD display screen, while only the iPhone Plus has a 1080P screen. It also has a much taller screen since Samsung Removed the home button from the S8.

7 Features Present in Galaxy S8

Iris and Facial Scanner:

Samsung is taking phone security one step further. It has introduced new innovative features that let you unlock your device, as well as iris and facial scanning technology. The iPhone only has its Touch ID feature, which Samsung also has.

7 Features Present in Galaxy S8

Charging Capabilities:

The Samsung Galaxy S24 has USB-C fast charging, which is significantly faster than Apple’s lightning connector. The iPhone doesn’t have this capability yet, but there are rumors that it might appear on this year’s iPhone.

7 Features Present in Galaxy S8 USB Type C Headphone Jack

Expandable Storage:

The Galaxy S24 has a MicroSD slot, which allows for additional storage of up to 256GB. With an iPhone, you are stuck with 32GB, 128 GB, or 256 GB.

Third-Party Browsers:

You can’t change your iPhone’s default browser like you can on the Galaxy S24. That means all the links opened from an Apple app will always open in Safari.

Headphone Jack:

The iPhone 15’s headphone jack was removed, but Samsung kept it on the Galaxy S24 and S24 Plus, so you won’t have to buy a dongle or new wireless headphones.

7 Features Present in Galaxy S8 USB Type C Headphone Jack


Android allows users to change themes, launchers, file managers, and more. It has a lot more freedom than iOS. You can change almost anything you don’t like. A massive number of developers are developing apps and ROMs that might suit your taste, and you can quickly get them on your phone.

7 Features Present in Galaxy S8 USB Type C Headphone jack

Also Checkout:

If I missed some features that are worth mentioning, fill them out using the comments section. I hope you liked the list of 7 Features Present in the Galaxy S24 but Absent in the iPhone 15.

Balochistan |Uz garzam lewanay | Deutschland | Software Engineer | For questions, contact me.
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