Disable Automatic Switch to Mobile data on Weak WiFi on Pixel

Switch to Mobile data on Weak WiFi

You might have noticed this new feature in Google Pixel devices that switch to mobile data on weak WiFi signals or slow WiFi connections. In this guide, we will try to figure out which feature is toggling it and how we can disable switching to LTE or 5G on Weak WiFi signals on Google Pixel phones running on Android 12.

The latest Android 12 has many new and cool intelligent features that make the life of users super easy. For example, the automation rules allow users to change phone settings when connected to a specific WiFi network. So, for example, you can turn the phone to silent when connected to workplace WiFi or the one in School. Another cool feature is the Files app, which lets you clear up internal storage and remove temporary files and cache.

Another feature that should be a utility but turning out to be a pain is switching to the mobile network when the WiFi signals are weak, or the WiFi connection is poor. So today, I’ll talk about how to turn it off.

Disable Automatic Switch to LTE when WiFi is Weak on Pixel:

Sometimes when a person is low on mobile data, this feature can be very annoying as it can drain up all your mobile data. Considering it switches automatically without any notification or anything. So you wouldn’t even know, and all your mobile data would be gone.

When I first encountered this issue, I couldn’t find any trigger to disable it. Initially, this feature existed in the Developer’s options for phones running Android 5 and above. Then, it was called Aggressive WiFi to mobile handover, but now this feature is removed.

In the new Android version, the network switching feature is called Adaptive connectivity. However, it is not mentioned anywhere on the web or in the feature’s documentation. Yet I have tried and tested it, and it works.

The Adaptive Connectivity function improves network performance and extends battery life by switching between 5G and LTE. It also caters to switching between WiFi and LTE, as the phone tends to use more energy when the signals are weak. So instead, it goes for both LTE and WiFi. Its main feature is to switch to 5G when a person is streaming or doing network-intensive work and switch to LTE when you are just scrolling through the internet, or the phone is idle.

In Huawei phones, there is an option to disable switching to LTE on weak WiFi. It is called WiFi+.

  • Also, Checkout: If your Pixel 6 gets stuck on “Optimizing your Device” while installing the security update. Here is the fix.

If you have the same issue and you know a way to disable switch to Mobile data on Weak WiFi on Pixel phones running on Android 12. Do let us know in the comments. Your feedback would be appreciated.

Balochistan |Uz garzam lewanay | Deutschland | Software Engineer | For questions, contact me.
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