Change Country in Google Play Store

Sometimes, you want to download an Android app from the Google Play Store, but due to the unavailability of that app in a specific country and its app store. You can’t download it. What should be done in that case? One option is to forget that app and find another app with the same features. What if there is no such app on the Play Store as an alternative to that app? In that case, you can opt to change country in Google Play Store and download the desired app on your Android phone. You must also change the Google Play store country if you move from one country to another. After changing the country, you must also update your payment methods and address.

Google uses the billing address of your default payment method in Google Wallet to help determine your home country for accessing the Google Play Store. To change your location and access any country’s Play Store, you must have a valid payment method with a billing address inside a country, such as a credit or debit card. You can also do this via PayPal. In some European countries, you can do it directly via SEPA.

Rules regarding Changing Google Play Store Country:

It would help if you kept a few things in mind before changing the country in the Google Play Store.

  1. You will only be able to change country once a year.
  2. After you change the country, you cannot access the credit of Google Balance in your account.
  3. You will have to update all your details. For example, you will have to give a new address.

Guide to Change Google Play Store Country:

Now, let us move on to the first and easiest method of changing the country in the Google Play Store. This can only be performed on an Android Phone.

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your phone.
  2. Now, on the top right side. You will see your profile picture. Tap on it.
  3. Go to Settings, General, and then select Account and Device preferences.
  4. There, you will see the option for Country & Profiles.
  5. Here, you will see a list of countries. You can select the country where you are currently located.
  6. Now, put all the details on and update your payment method and address.

It might take some days to change the country on Google Play Store. The problem is that this feature is not available in some countries. So if you can not find Country and Profiles in the settings menu, then it means that you will have to use the method below.

To change the country in the Google Play Store, you can use any one of the following methods. Preferably, you should try the first method. However, if it doesn’t work, you can follow the second method.

Change Country in Google Play Store via Google Wallet:

If you are still facing the same problem, then follow the steps given below:

  1. First, open your browser and go to Google Wallet.
  2. Then, go to Settings and change the home address.
  3. Now, you have to remove the old address. To do that, go to the Address Book tab. You will see an old address. Remove that address.
  4. A prompt window will open after removing the old address. You’ll be prompted to accept the new terms and conditions for the new country.

Now, On your Android device, follow the steps given below:

  • Go to the App menu and select Settings.
  • Go to Apps.
  • Locate the Google Play Store app.
  • Tap “Clear Data” and “Clear Cache.”

You should now see the Google Play Store matching your device’s default payment billing country.

Latest Method to Change Country in Google Play Store in 2024:

Google Play Store is the largest repository of Android Applications. Although the app is the same, it is tweaked demographically. So, if you are in a European country, you will see the famous apps in that specific country, and if you are in some Asian country, you will see the most prominent applications of that country on the top. So, once you change your country, the suggestions in the Google Play Store will change as well. Now, you will see the top-rated content and most downloaded in your country.

Google uses its demographic metrics of downloads to figure out the ranking of apps in the Google Play store of a specific country. Some developers make their applications inaccessible to users in some countries. Sometimes, an app is released only for a particular country, like Pokemon Go, which was first released in the USA. Using this guide, you can access some apps that are not present in your country. Or if you have moved to a foreign country and want to install apps in the Google Play store in that specific country.

To change the country in your Google Play Store account, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down and tap on “Account.”
  4. Tap on “Country and profiles.”
  5. Tap on “Change country.”
  6. Select the new country that you want to associate with your Google Play Store account.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the country change process.

Note: Changing the country in your Google Play Store account may affect your access to certain apps and in-app purchases, as well as your payment methods and billing information. Before changing your country, make sure that you understand the potential consequences.


Tip: You can open the Google Play Store in the browser without being logged in or with another Google account. Then, you can see all apps without limits. So far, this is the most convenient way to see apps. The only limit can be that the Google Play Store sees your IP and makes country restrictions, but I am unsure if this is the case. If yes, you can use a tool to hide your IP—tools like VPNs or anonymous browsing.

  • Updated (September 9th,2023): One of our visitors contacted Google regarding this matter. Following is what he has to say:

“I have contacted Google support. Basically, there are two places where you need to update your address. Firstly, the one connected to your payment card. Another one is payments. On Google .com, in the upper right corner, there is an icon for settings. When you have updated the addresses, go to your mobile to a paid app just before going further, then click buy, exit Google Play, and go to your Android settings. Application and search for Google Play. Finally, delete app data,  reset settings & delete the cache. Go back to your Google Play Store. Now it should be working. If not, then wait 30 minutes.”

You can access apps from different countries once you have changed the country on the Google Play Store. This is also crucial if you travel to another country or move to a new country. When I moved to a foreign country, the Google Play Store country on my Pixel 8 automatically changed. I even got an email regarding the change of country of Google Play Services.

If you are still having trouble trying to change the country in the Google Play Store, let us know in the comments below. Also, share with us if you have any other tricks regarding the guide above.

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