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Windows 10 has been out for a couple of months now. And just as one would hope, custom Windows 10 themes are now a possibility. The latest OS came out with a lot of bugs, which forced people not to upgrade just yet. But with all the bugs and errors being fixed and a stable release out there, the designers have already begun creating beautiful themes for you guys to apply to your new operating system.

This article will guide you step by step through using custom Windows 10 themes to give your laptop or desktop a completely different and unique look.

Custom Windows 10 Themes

Custom Windows 10 Themes

The guide below will take you through each step required to get your first-ever custom Windows 10 theme on your laptop/desktop.

Custom Windows 10 Themes

NOTE: Installing custom Windows 10 themes requires patching your system. (Included in the steps below)

  • The first thing to do is patch your system. To do so, you need to install UXStyle and UXThemePatcher from this link. Microsoft doesn’t allow your system to have themes that are not signed by Microsoft. This is where the patcher comes in to play. It bypasses the checks applied by Microsoft and lets you apply custom themes.
  • Now, you need to download a custom theme. You may want to head over to DeviantArt and grab a chosen theme.
  • Download a theme and extract the .rar file. You’ll get a setup to install the entire theme or some .theme extension files. Copy all the data to C:/Windows/Resources/Themes in the latter case.
  • Now right-click on your desktop and click on Personalize.
  • Go to Themes, and you can see your downloaded themes appear there.
  • Select a theme of your choosing and apply it.

That’s just about it. Using the simple steps above, you can apply custom Windows 10 themes to your laptop or desktop.

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